6 Steps to Increase Shopify Conversion Rate

There is a common misconception in the e-commerce space that Shopify is solely a platform for digital products. However, it's much more than that. The reason why many businesses are choosing Shopify is not because they only want to sell digital products, but they also want to build an e-commerce platform that offers the complete solutions for e-commerce activities. Shopify is all about helping you design and develop an e-commerce website that is compatible with all advanced CRM and ERP systems. But how does it compare with other solutions like Shopify's Custom CTA, SEO, Webinars and Affiliate Marketing?

- Shopify Conversion Rate Optimization: It is one of the most important factors to any successful online campaign. The conversion rate of any Shopify campaign is directly proportional to the amount of effort and time it took to convert the lead into a buyer and the number of clicks on the product pages. From Concept, strategies & optimization to fast checkout - everything is directly impacted by the number of visitors.

- Shopify Campaign Monitor: When you are designing your Shopify campaign, you need to keep track of every single step that you take. This includes product pages, campaign monitor, campaign management and conversion rates. With the Shopify campaign monitor, you can easily see which product pages are having trouble with conversions and which ones are performing well.

- Fast checkout: This is one of the most important aspects of any e-commerce website. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to a fast checkout. When customers use a fast checkout option to make a purchase, they usually don't linger around too long in the site. As a result, they tend to leave the site and most likely won't return - something that you definitely want to avoid if you want to increase your conversion rate.

- Optimize for SEO: It goes without saying that having a good conversion rate increases the chances of more sales and visits to the online shops. This is only going to work if you optimize for search engine optimization (SEO). However, you should have an in-depth understanding about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) if you are going to undertake this task on your own. There are numerous free software applications available to help you optimize for SEO. You should also make use of online forums and discussion groups to learn more about SEO and optimization techniques.

- Optimize with PPC and SMO: Optimizing the Shopify website doesn't end with marketing. It should also include the process of social media, Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns and SEO. To increase your conversion rate, all these efforts should be bundled together in one application or platform. If you have chosen Shopify as your ecommerce solution, you will need an app to make these efforts work for you 


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